New: Payment reminders and loan sharing
We recently launched 2 new features that we hope makes your personal lending experience easier and more successful. The first feature, payment reminders, allows LoanBuilder users to opt in to receiving an email reminder to either make a loan payment (if you're a borrower) or collect a payment (if you're a lender). If you've already setup a loan using LoanBuilder, you can turn on reminders by going to your My Loans page and clicking the Set Reminders link.
Loan sharing is a feature that is especially useful when you're first setting up your loan. After you create a loan and register, you can then invite other people to "join" your loan. Once someone joins your loan, they can edit loan terms or other loan information. These edits are conveniently tracked within your My Loans page so that you can track any edits that have been made, whether by you or another party.
We hope you find these two new features valuable.
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With the best regards!
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With the best regards!
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